Artist feature of Bharat Kumar Jain

Industrialization brought the world closer and machine has made the life of man easier but mechanical. In order to be civilized and modern man had sacrificed the very basic and true nature, empathy, compassion, fellow feeling, humanity, with the cut-throat competition, existence of the fittest, the world has started living on the edge. Civilization is the story of mankind’s struggle not only for existence but it is story of how to establish the ideal in humanity. All our literature, art, philosophy, science, narrates the indomitable urge to re-affirm to all that is good and true. In 21st century man has very much adapted to the mechanical world. Human values, thought process etc have changed a lot. Now the perspective is more materialistic than ever, money governs all the spheres of life. The centralized orientation of money making is a gift of dependence of machine. People in general surrendered to the good life-style concept which demands all the precious virtues and values. The machines have added to comfort, and facilitates human need but also it is instrumental in catering human greed.

Bharat Kumar Jain, now pursuiting PHD from Sanchi University of Buddhist Indic Studies also works as freelance artists is observant enough to understand the very root cause of human dilemma, uprooting and devouring the very precious human values and virtues. This young artist is very open and up-right to express his deep concerns. He acknowledges in a interview the fact that machine has undoubtedly added quality in living but still the side effects are still more harsh. In his big canvases he rendered the story of civilization, its gains, and regrets. The de-humanitization is only an effect of the very cause that is known as so called development and growth. Constructing tall towers have been counted as development in present scenario. Initially he uses abstractions that ultimately pave way to the more realistic forms, giving meaning. The artist in his paintings had vociferously submitted the antithesis of the very definition of development. His stark colours, bold compositions speak for themselves. 

Some of My Work  

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