Artist feature of Jayashree Ghosh



Concept of my artwork:

The inspiration of my art comes from the manifestation of beauty in the daily occurrences in the Everyday world. There exist plenty of nature lovers, but they each imagine nature in a different Manner, with a separate notion of beauty. Some find ecstasy in a thunderstorm, while some hide in Panic in the same situation. But perhaps they both enjoy it with the same feeling. Imaginations, fantasies emerging from this unimaginable beauty. Season changes bring out the beauty within nature.

Experiencing this change in green clad nature generates an emotion that can’t be put into words. Each season paints nature in a new colour. Humans, birds, animals, trees, even insects participate in this celebration as they are a complementary part of nature. Observation of nature can result in the generation of art. Such observation makes one aware of variety and observing variety results in skill. This variety comes from the existing flora and fauna.

Since I grew up near a forest, I have been responsible for the animal world since my childhood. While discussing about my work, it can be said that the bond that humans and the rest of the animal world shares with nature, serves as the primary inspiration of my works. Apart from the variety in their shapes and lifestyle, they have their own essence- which I have reflected in my works through my own imagination and feelings. Nature amidst all its greenery is a safe haven of birds, animals and insects. They are seen Playing around the trunks of trees throughout the day as the sun colours the world in its seven Different colours. While the birds’ call announces the dawn, the dusk puts an end to the day’s work with the humans and animals returning to their shelters. Sometimes, some creatures attract the Attention by tricking the mind as well. Sometimes someone lights a lamp in a tailorbird’s nest. As if World is a fairyland. Like the colourful wings of a butterfly, the changing beauty of Beautiful nature always caught my attention. According to Abanindranath Tagore, an artist’s observation is like a child’s observation; observing through mind.

Some of His Work

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