The Artistic Brain

Creativity is the vehicle of social progress and affects all aspects of human civilization.

Have you ever wondered where does creativity and artistic ability come from?

Well, the answer is near your nose! Yes, it’s your brain. Well, the human brain is a very special organ and is divided into two parts, namely the left part and the right part. The left part controls the language, mathematic and logical reasoning as well as rational decision making. While the right part of the brain controls your creativity, artistic ability, imagination, intuition and emotions. So, both parts work together to do our daily activities.

The problem comes because our schooling system lays all the emphasis on academic development, whereas development of artistic ability is ignored. Now, can we think that it’s possible that a child can lead a meaningful and happy life while realizing their full potential, only by providing nourishment to one half of the brain? I believe the answer to this question is no, we can only achieve this by providing opportunities for the entire brain to develop.

As the research points out that exposing a child to art at an early age has many benefits on their holistic development, firstly, art activities help develop communication skill both verbal and non-verbal. Second is problem-solving, since art requires them to think and find creative solutions (as which colours to use or should I try something else), the children explore art ideas, they are testing possibilities and working through challenges, much like a scientist who experiments and finds solutions. Thirdly it helps to develop motor skills, spatial intelligence, hand and eye coordination in the toddlers. Art and painting also help fight stress and anxiety in students and helps foster good mental health. It also Helps in clearing the mind and contributes to better academic results. Painting and other artistic activities build cognitive memories as well. Artistic activities like painting, singing, music act as a kind of meditation, and brings calming and relaxing effects on the brain of an individual.

Art not only helps children and toddlers but also help’s adults and senior citizens to cure many mental illnesses, and lead a joyful life. This has led to development of art therapy in as a natural healing way.

All these benefits suggest the society, the government, the families, the children to give equal importance to artistic development just like academic development is considered in the school life. So, that a child grows up to be the person they all deserve, lead a beautiful life and contribute to further enrichment of the human civilization.

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